Thursday, July 22, 2010

Chadron, NE

You'll have noticed a serious lapse in updates, and I wanted to apologize; computer access is limited, so twitter has been the best way to find out what's going on.

Sadly, my update today is a somber one, and will be fairly short.

One of our leaders, Paige Hicks, passed away this past Tuesday around 1:30pm Central Time when she was struck by a truck carrying an oversized load as we rode from Winner, SD to Martin, SD. We were riding alone together, as we were fulfilling our position as "sweep," which means we were the last 2 riders of the day with the responsibility of making sure everyone gets to the host site okay.

More information can be found here, including a full summary of what happened and what will happen.

A newspaper article can be found here.

Thank you so much for your support and prayers -- our group has received messages from people all over, including many we have never met.

We will be attending Paige's funeral in St. Louis, MO on Monday, and then meeting back up with our route in WY in order to make it to Seattle on schedule.

We all have some decisions to make, but I think our Bike & Build family is the best place to be right now; our bonds are very special ones, and ones that will make healing a much more bearable process.

Much love always. Stay safe. Please keep Paige and her family in your thoughts and prayers.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Update from Coudersport, PA!

Wow! Okay, so I don't want to hog the communal computer, so this will be a quick update. The trip so far in bullets:

- Completed 508 of 3,863 miles; rode through RI, CT, NY, and now in PA
- Painted a near-completed duplex with Habitat Providence with a cordial Dutchman named Hermann
- East Coast mountains seem much larger from a bicycle seat... and road kill is much smellier
- People are willing to give you free ice cream if you ask them (and explain what you're doing)
- It is possible to feel comfortable with 29 other people in the span of a few days.
- Riding in the rain makes time pass more quickly.
- Chores are more readily completed when turned into dance parties (you know, the cleaning kind).
- Meeting people from all sorts of backgrounds will never grow old.
- I am continually learning about myself and my own abilities.

Those are the most important for now, but I'll definitely try to post more later! Unfortunately, I can't upload any photos at the moment, but hopefully will in the future...

If the Bike and Build application is working correctly, you should be able to see photos of me on my profile here. (click the camera... I don't know if it's working yet)

70 miles tomorrow to Warren, PA!!! It's definitely time to get ready for tomorrow and get some sleep!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Route Tracker is Up!!!

The route tracker is now up on the Bike and Build website!! You can access it by clicking here!!

When you click the link, you will find a map of the United States with our route marked out, along with all the stops we'll be making, and the places we will be building. Frequently, we will be posting photos and blog entries to give y'all a better idea of just what's happening on P2S 2010!!!

I can't believe there are only THREE DAYS until the trip starts!!! It's very exciting and just a little intimidating, but I think I'm ready!!

My bike is tuned up and safe with new flat-resistant tires (since I managed to catch FIVE flats in almost 600 miles with the stock tires! Keep up that rate, and I would have nearly 40 flats this summer!)

I'm extremely excited about the challenge and adventure of the trip, but even moreso about the places I will see and people I will meet. I can't wait to see the country through a personal lens at a rate that really lets me SEE things. I mean, I will be BREATHING the essence of our country (good and bad!) and truly getting a hands-on, up-close-and-personal look at the affordable housing issues we as a country are facing. Not only that, but I have the opportunity to CHANGE things!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Fundraising and Mail Drops!

First of all, thank you!! to everybody who has been able to donate!! I have met and surpassed my fundraising goal of $4,000!

If you haven't yet donated and still would like to, feel free! All of your donations are going to a wonderful cause. :)

I have been training like mad these past few weeks, and am psyched for the trip to begin! (One month as of today!!) I am also very excited to spend time with my family in the weeks leading up to the trip. My first year of graduate school is behind me, and I'm ready to emerge from my cocoon of books, articles, and papers into the light of good company.

Though I will miss everybody at home on my cross-country journey, I won't be entirely disconnected! Of course, I can always send you guys fun postcards and things, and now you can send me things, too!!!

In case this interests you, here are the instructions for mail:

Bike & Build groups will receive mail approximately once a week while on the road, and welcome letters and packages from friends, family, and supporters. Mail will be delivered through USPS General Delivery. Please be sure to send mail in ample time to arrive prior to the pick-up date and only through the United States Postal Service (The Post Office will not accept mail from any other carrier). Address mail to:

Bike & Build
General Delivery

**Please mark the envelope or package with "Please hold for pick-up on DATE."**
Late mail will be forwarded to the mail drop two weeks ahead. Late mail from the last two mail drops will be returned to sender.

Below is a list of all the mail drops for our trip:

June 17
Kent, CT 06757

June 24
Coudersport, PA 16915

July 01
Columbus, OH 43215

July 08
Pontiac, IL 61764

July 15
Sioux City, IL 51101

July 22
Chadron, NE 69337

July 29
Dubois, WY 82513

August 05 ( oh, how convenient! you could drop me a note on my birthday! *wink wink* ;) )
Lincoln, MT 59639

August 12
Spokane, WA 99210

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Douglas Fundraising Event!

On March 31st, Mark and I held a bake sale at the Graduate School of Education, which was a rousing success! Not only did we raise almost $100 for affordable housing, but we met a girl who needed to pair a beneficiary with a sponsor who was willing to hold an event to raise money. What luck!

As a result, this past Thursday we held a fundraiser at Douglas Cosmetics for Bike and Build!
10% of all sales between 5pm and 7pm went to Bike and Build, and Douglas had a number of fun extras planned, too!

- Everyone who came and mentioned Bike and Build while making a purchase received 10% off.
- If a purchase was over $100, the customer was able to choose a scent of his/her choice from a gift table
- Free food!
- Free facial massages!
- Free makeovers!

Overall, everyone seemed to be having a lot of fun! We are still waiting for final numbers, but I believe we earned close to $200!

As you can see, I am creeping every closer to my fundraising goal -- I think we may even exceed it, which is fabulous!

52 days until the trip!
I've almost put 400 miles on my bike, and I definitely feel much more capable of biking all day every day for 2 months than I did at the beginning of the year! I hope to make a second trip out to Valley Forge this weekend. The weather forecast says it may rain, but I guess I need to get used to riding in the rain, since there won't be an option this summer! :)

Thank you thank you thank you so much for your support!! This is a truly wonderful cause, and certainly one that needs to be recognized.

Friday, March 19, 2010

The Sun is Shining on Affordable Housing

Wow! The weather has been absolutely gorgeous lately, so you know what that means -- bike riding and outdoor fundraising!!

Today I had a long afternoon of canning along with a fellow Bike and Builder! If you are unfamiliar with the term "canning," it basically means "standing on the corner/along the sidewalk holding signs and collecting donations of spare change with a coffee can from cars, motorcycles, trucks, pedestrians, and other cyclists who pass by." After two hours (we left when rush hour started to die down) and splitting the donations collected, we both walked away with $95 to support affordable housing!!

Though this was a worth-while experience, there is still a ways to go! I'm sure there will be more canning in the future.

As for bike riding...

Since the weather has been so nice, the Neighborhood Bike Works Racing Team has been out and about for training!! Riding with the team is always a pleasure, and I've definitely learned more about cycling efficiency! I'm not exaggerating when I say these kids could kick my butt in a bike race -- they are so speedy!

So far, I have put 143.45 miles on my Bike and Build bike, which is 28.65% of the way to my goal of 500 miles before Bike and Build begins!

Now, it is time to take a shower and get ready for bed -- I need to be up early to drive the van for and participate in a Habitat Build tomorrow!

Monday, March 15, 2010

A Momentous Occasion!

As of this evening, my first required fundraising benchmark of $2000 on my journey to a final goal of $4000 was not only met, but surpassed!

A huge THANK YOU!!! to everybody who has donated thus far. Thanks to you, and assuming each $1.00 equates to 1 mile of the trip, my personal reach now extends across 31 communities from Providence, RI to Winner, SD!

The fundraising is not complete, however -- there are still 25 communities between Winner, SD and Seattle, WA that are waiting to feel our impact! Together, we can provide them with the knowledge and resources necessary to help families in need acquire quality, affordable housing!

Donate online by clicking here, then clicking the "Donate" button.

Donate by check/money order by following the instructions found in the right margin of this page.

Thanks! :)