Thursday, January 21, 2010

Appreciations and Why Bike and Build?

A HUUUGE THANK YOU to everybody who has donated so far! Every little bit helps. Please remember that you're not simply helping me to make a difference this summer; you are making a difference by contributing to the affordable housing effort.

If you have not yet had the opportunity to donate and would like to, remember that you can go to my profile here and click "Donate."

If you prefer to send your donation by mail, please make out your check to Bike and Build and be sure to write my name (Brittany Maslowsky) in the memo line! You can then mail it to:

Bike & Build, Inc.
6109 Ridge Ave. Bldg 2
Philadelphia, PA 19128

Remember -- donations are Tax Deductible!!

Why did I choose Bike & Build, you might ask? As I mentioned in my Bike and Build profile, I spent all of last year working with inner-city children, an overwhelming number of whom are directly affected by the affordable housing problem. I witnessed the direct impact that a lack of adequate housing has on a student’s attitude, motivation, focus, and overall performance. One of my literary students had to leave the school only months into the year because her family had to move into a shelter, disrupting not only the progress she was making, but, more importantly, her life.

While one of my larger goals is to make a difference across the United States, I also want to talk to people, see how things are in different locations, and incorporate new ideas for addressing this problem into my studies in order to better contribute to the communities I aim to serve.

I have a facebook group! You can join it here!

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